Balatongyörök is a spot near the northern shore of Lake Balaton - about 10 km away from Keszthely . The hills of Balatongyöröks are the most famous of Hungary. One of them is the St. Michael Hill, now called the Chapel Hill Pleasant view other. Balatongyörök has 758 permanent residents, in the summer , this figure rises to many times. The basis of the countryside, the Hungarian and foreign guests who go to Györök , beautiful hiking trails. In the vineyards near you can let yourself taste the different Balatonian wines.
In this environment, we offer three cottages for your vacation: the houses Csont Ferenc Ucta 8a and 8b and the "Pink House ". On this page you will learn more about our offer. For price inquiry and for more information log on but please contact us, we look forward to seeing you!
During the peak tourist season, we invite our guests to a spicy goulash. Many of our regular guests ask already before booking, if tradtional goulash takes place again, during their stay. It has been shown that this event leads to joint ventures in the remaining vacation days.
Your hosts, Manfred & Dagmar Riemer